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About Us


On July 1st, 2017, seven hard-working, highly motivated women from America traveled to London, England to knock on the door of the Honourable Fraternity of Ancient Freemasons (HFAF).

These were the first women to join HFAF from America and their vision - to work cheerfully together to bring Freemasonry more openly to the women of the USA. The Brethren from HFAF-England warmly welcomed us and are tirelessly and selflessly mentoring us along this journey.

On May 25, 2019, we were honored to host an impressive delegation of over 50 Brethren from Freemasonry for Women - Honourable Fraternity of Ancient Freemasons (HFAF) led by the Grand Master Christine Chapman. Coming from the distant shores of the UK and Spain, they visited us here in Washington, DC to consecrate this historic women’s lodge, America Lodge No. 57 and to assist in the Installation of its Officers.

Together, and with the help of so many friends and family, we laid the foundation for our new America Lodge No. 57… with the joyful aspiration to raise a superstructure perfect in its parts and Honorable to the builder…


Who are we?

America Lodge No. 57 brings together women from all walks of life, from various cultures, races and religious traditions, from age 18 and beyond; all sharing in this common journey; on the level as equals, with mutual love and respect, working in harmony for the betterment of society. Unique bonds of friendship are formed by women who would otherwise never meet were it not for this lovely fraternity.

America Lodge No. 57 is the first regular Women's Freemasonry Lodge in the United States. It was consecrated under the authority of Freemasonry for Women - Honourable Fraternity of Ancient Freemasons (HFAF) in London, England. Its Charter or Warrant of Constitution was granted on May 25, 2019 by the Grand Master Christine Chapman.  Our Grand Lodge of Women Freemasons has existed in England since 1913. See

We owe a great debt of gratitude to our founders over a century ago who fought against prejudice and ignorance to bring Freemasonry to the women of the UK. And most recently, we are grateful to our UK Brethren who traveled to Washington, DC to shine the light of regular Freemasonry to the women of the USA. We are indebted to them for their support, vision and wise counsel. We have inherited a wonderful tradition of always striving to excel in what is good and great. We are humbled and honored to accept the stewardship in transmitting this beautiful ritual and noble Craft. America Lodge No. 57 is headquartered in Washington, DC at 1701 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW.

Our Worshipful Master.


Our Secretary.



In a statement issued on March 10, 1999, The United Grand Lodge of England (UGLE) acknowledged HFAF as one of the two Grand Lodges for Women who were “regular” in their practice. They further explained that while intervisitation among male and female lodges may not take place, there are, however, discussions from time to time among the two on matters of mutual concern. Brethren are therefore free to explain to non-Masons, if asked, that Freemasonry is not confined to men. In England, the UGLE works with HFAF on many open events such as the University Scheme and with the use/rental of respective lodge rooms.

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